Emergency First Aid (Free Course)

Emergency First Aid (Free Course)

Sunday 18 January 2015
09:30 - 11:30
Eddie Gibbs
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Emergency First Aid

Any GCC players or parents intending on doing coaching course would be strongly advised to attend.

Price: £0 (Gilvenbank Community Sports Hub covering costs)

Date: Sunday 18th January

Time: 9.30am to 3.30pm

Location: Glenrothes Cricket Centre

Max: 12 people (first come first served)

Please confirm your attendance to Kenny Crichton by calling/texting 07557 403533.

At the end of this course candidates will be able to recognise and treat most emergency situations, give emergency aid to an injured person until medical assistance arrives, and carry out the duties of an appointed person as specified within first aid regulations. This qualification is valid for 3 years.

Further reading
This is a past event