Club Membership 1 of 2

1. Keeping Fees Affordable

Many thanks for your interest in becoming a member of Glenrothes Cricket Club.

Membership fees are the most significant element of fundraising for the club and it is crucial that everyone pays their way. We recognise the ongoing squeeze on household finances and would like to keep our fees as affordable as possible to all if we can, though we do have to apply an increase at this stage to ensure the club can meet its financial commitments.

We hope though that our fee levels and the flexibility we look to offer also reflects our commitment to ensuring cost is not a barrier to participation.

  • Senior £180 (£15 a month)
  • Concession £60 (£5 a month)
  • Youth £40
  • Junior £25 (+£15 for additional children)
  • Associate (social) £25
  • Senior and Concession also offered Pay As You Go (PAYG) options at 50% discount plus £5 match fee.

Parents and carers (who do not play cricket with the club) of Junior members will automatically obtain Associate membership for free. Similarly, Senior or Concession members with children or other dependents are entitled to pay for them through the £15 for additional children option. It is hoped this provides an affordable approach for all and will give everyone a stronger feeling of engagement with the whole club.

Our membership categories and fees are predominantly all-inclusive meaning once you become a member there would be no additional costs such as match fees or training costs. Though the club retains the right to charge for certain activities.

PAYG fees options are offered at 50% discount of the appropriate annual fee with an additional match fee of £5. PAYG members are eligible to play a maximum of six games per season, following which they must upgrade to the full fee of the relevant membership type by paying the difference.

If you are struggling financially then the club can look to help by waiving part or all of your fees. We will also try to be as flexible as we can by devising payment plans which suit your personal circumstances.

As a member, you become eligible for selection for all games and can access coach-led training sessions, use of practice nets, club equipment and kit and are covered by the clubs insurance policies.

Your fees go towards all running costs for the club and in turn will help ensure the club can provide fit for purpose facilities and equipment which are maintained to a high standard.


Membership Fees 2024
