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Committee Meeting Feedback

Committee Meeting Feedback

Nic Krzyzanowski22 Oct 2022 - 16:07
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Key discussion points from 18 October 2022 meeting

There was a Management Committee meeting on Tuesday 18 October 2022. The key issues discussed at the meeting were:

  • Importance of increasing player engagement across the club including encouraging more people to play an active role in key tasks
  • Fundraising is a critical issue for the club, both to pay for a new sit-on mower (all members should be encouraged to do what they can to support this initiative) but also meet our basic annual expenditure
  • Ensuring the sub groups (i.e. Operations, Cricket, Membership and Planning) are meeting regularly, reflecting on risks and opportunities and officials reach out to others (on committee and across wider club membership) for advice and support
  • Reminder was given that the club needs to play an active part in engaging with the Glenrothes Community Sports & Health Hub in both supporting sporting provisions and the overarching management of the Hub
  • Annual General Meeting is provisionally scheduled for Friday 25th November with formal notification and provision of papers and proposals to be made as soon as possible

Find out more information about the Committee.

Further reading