Hall of Fame 12 of 14

12. Craig Gould

Craig Gould was inducted into the Glenrothes CC Hall of Fame in 2015.

Craig, affectionately known as "Gouldy" joined the club in 1982 and for 16 years of he has served on the club’s committee in a variety of roles.

A player (some might say) of surprising agility for a big guy, in fact one of the best catches many have ever seen was from Gouldy diving full length to his left taking one of those catches one handed that just sticks; and whilst it’s fair to say he had a relatively modest first XI record, he has always been one of those proper team players and a real club man.

A player able to turn his hand to any role asked of him, be that batting, bowling or keeping wicket – his stats over the past four or five years testify to that with more than 300 runs scored and a high score of 47, 22 wickets and 15 catches as well as 3 run outs and several stumpings.

He was also the club’s first 3rd XI captain and won promotion in this second season in the job.